a 21 day prayer & fast.

Each January we invite our church family and others to participate in a prayer and fast with the intent of deepening our relationship with God. 21 Days of Prayer is a partial fast recognized as an effective means to receive direction for our lives as we begin the new year. Fasting itself is a spiritual discipline which provides an avenue for us to renew our spiritual commitment to serve God’s purpose for our lives.
The goal of fasting is to become more sensitive to the voice of God in our everyday lives. We do this by dedicating more time to spend with Him in prayer and Bible reading each day and by refraining from certain foods. When the fast is over, we should discover a new strength to overcome the cravings that may seem to control our lives at times.
We invite you to join us for 21 days of prayer and fasting from January 6-26. This season of prayer and time in His presence will help us prioritize, and is essential for receiving insight and direction for our individual lives and families as well as our Refuge family. As we earnestly seek the Lord in prayer we can anticipate an encounter with Him as the Bible states in Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” ESV. Prayer is essential as you set goals and plan for the future aligning with God’s plan and purpose.
Our 2024 theme was “Live for More,” as we focused on living the life we were meant to live in Jesus Christ as His followers. The year was dedicated to cultivating 'More' of Jesus in every facet of our lives. In 2025, God is calling us to step into a year of bold, life-changing invitations. It is time for the church to actively reach out and extend the invitation of Jesus to everyone, to those around us, including our families, our neighbors, our coworkers, and our communities.
As we reflect on God's heart for the lost, we are reminded that the invitation is not just about inviting people to church but inviting them to experience the fullness of life in Christ that is available for them. 2025, I believe will be a significant year of harvest for the Kingdom of God as we each do our part through invitation. This is a call for all to come to encounter Jesus.
Each day of 21 Days of prayer is a deliberate exploration of a unique aspect of the significance of accepting invitations for our personal journey with God and extending them to others as we reach out to others with the ministry of the Gospel. Throughout this journey, we'll delve into scripture, spend intentional time in prayer, and engage in fasting to create space for the Holy Spirit to speak.
In 2025, we will focus on the power of invitation. How one simple invite can change lives. Jesus' ministry was all about calling people to come, see, and follow, and we are called to do the same. Whether it's inviting someone to a service or special event, sharing a meal, or offering a listening ear. Every invitation has the potential to bring someone closer to Jesus and deeper into His love.
A Year of Invitation is about creating an open door for all who need hope, healing, and community, calling all to come. We are a church that invites, a church that embraces, and a church that stands ready to welcome anyone who desires to know God more. In 2025 we want to live out the invitation, reaching out with love, compassion, and grace, ready to see God move in powerful ways as we extend His call to all.
We encourage you to share your insights, experiences, and prayers during 21 Days of Prayer. We will be meeting from Noon to 1:00 PM Monday through Friday at Refuge if you can attend.
Pastor Deb and I thank you for joining us and are confident that God will meet us as we commit to seek Him through this time of prayer and fasting to understand the significance of an invitation in 2025. Our prayer is that these 21 days would be a catalyst for a transformative encounter with an open invitation of all that Jesus has for us in 2025.
God Bless,
Pastor Matt Mallek
“God does nothing apart from PRAYER and everything through it.”
21 days of prayer is designed to restrict normal food intake by cutting away many of the foods we commonly eat to satisfy our appetites. As we begin to fast, we replace the time and focus that we place on food and meals, to attention and growth in our spiritual life.
Not only are there physical benefits to fasting, there are spiritual benefits as well. Fasting was important in the life of the early church among believers and is still important in the church today to deepen our relationship with God.
For 21 Days of Prayer we use what is known as the “Daniel Fast,” following the guidelines for fasting described in the book of Daniel. Those with physical professions, etc. may add fish for additional protein. The Daniel Fast is a partial fast where some foods are eaten while others are restricted. We follow this method of fasting for 21 consecutive days.
Please remember that this prayer and fast is completely voluntary. We recommend that those with medical conditions consult a medical professional before beginning the fast.
We also strongly encourage separate consideration for children who participate. Fasting is a good principle to teach children, but with careful diet restrictions, especially depending upon age. Fasting things like television, social media, unhealthy snacks or sweets can be better options for children.
Each day we are focusing on a different prayer topic
Each day we will have a prayer focus and daily devotional for you to follow along with. It is a collection of thoughts and scriptures to help you know God and discover your purpose. Use these devotionals as prompts to dig deeper - to slow down, listen and lean in. We encourage you to carve out time every day to meditate on the prayer focus and spend time with God.
The daily blogs will be available on our App and website starting January 6.
From January 6-26, We will have open prayer Monday-Saturday from 12-1pm at Refuge.
You are invited to join us!
The food plan below is what is recommended. Feel free to make substitutes if you are on a special diet.
Included foods: fruits, vegetables, salads, soups, baked or boiled fish, whole grains, potatoes, beans, brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa, sprouts, & nuts
Included drinks: water, herbal tea, 100% fruit juice, smoothies, & protein drinks
Other: natural sweeteners, vitamin supplements, protein supplements, & mineral supplements
Not included: white refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, candy, desserts, white flour, eggs, dairy, meat, preservatives, fried food, soft drinks, & caffeine
What is the value of fasting?
Recognizing the value and benefits of fasting is important. It can and should become a viable part of your lifestyle. Fasting helps you increase the quality and quantity of your prayer life. It also gives you the opportunity to focus on areas of personal and spiritual change.
What results should you expect?
You will discover a new intensity when studying the scriptures and a more productive prayer life. You will also overcome cravings that usually control your life and a greater dedication to serve the purpose and will of God for your life.
Do i have to adhere to the exact diet?
The precise details of your fast are between you and God. In Romans 14:20-23, the apostle Paul describes how we should relate in love to one another in the matter of what we eat or choose not to eat.