Day 6 | January 11

Day 6 | January 11, 2025 | The Invitation to Friendship

Scripture: Proverbs 18:24 – “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”

Reflection: True friendship is an invitation to share life deeply and authentically. Jesus calls us into friendship with Him and with others and invites us to extend His love through meaningful relationships. Everyone needs a friend; you can introduce others to the greatest friend of all, Jesus, when you become of friend to them.

Prayer: Father, help me to be a true friend, inviting others into the kind of deep relationships that reflect Your love. I pray that my friendships would draw others closer to You. Amen.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for a deeper understanding of Jesus as the friend who sticks closer than a brother.

  • Pray for authentic friendships.

  • Pray for wisdom in building relationships.

  • Pray for the strength and wisdom to be a friend who is always there for others, offering encouragement, comfort, and support, just as Jesus does for us.

  • Ask God for opportunities to introduce others to Jesus through your friendships.

  • Pray for friendships that draw people to christ.

  • Pray for healing of broken friendships.

  • Pray for discernment in choosing friendships that will strengthen your walk with God.

  • Pray for friendships that reflect God’s love.

  • Pray for boldness to be a friend to the lonely.

Worship: Below are some song suggestions to listen to during your time of worship!

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