Day 11 | January 16
Day 11 | January 16, 2025 | The Invitation to Open Hearts
Scripture: Revelation 3:20 – “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.”
Reflection: Jesus stands at the door, gently knocking, waiting for an invitation to come in. We are His messengers, inviting others to open their hearts to Him and experience His life-changing presence. Jesus wants to spend time with us as one would enjoy a meal together; yet we must open the door of our heart to Him and invite Him in.
Prayer: Jesus, thank You for knocking at the door of my heart. Help me to be a witness to others, inviting them to open their hearts to You as well. Amen.
Prayer Points:
Pray for open hearts to receive Jesus. Pray that barriers of pride, fear, and unbelief would be broken down.
Ask God to help you continually open your own heart to Him, inviting Him deeper into every area of your life.
Pray for sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.
Pray for a heart of hospitality.
Lift up your family, friends, and others close to you who have not yet opened their hearts to Jesus.
Ask God for patience as you extend His invitation to others, trusting He is working in their hearts.
Pray that Refuge would reflect the heart of Jesus by inviting others to open their hearts to him.
Pray that God would transform from the inside out in the lives of those who open their hearts to him.
Pray against any spiritual blindness, distractions, or wounds that keep others from opening their hearts to Jesus.
Worship: Below are some song suggestions to listen to during your time of worship!