Day 21 | January 26

Day 21 | January 26, 2025 | The Invitation to Go & Gather

Scripture: Luke 14:23 – “Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in…”

Reflection: There is urgency in the invitation. God is calling us to go, to gather those who need Him, and bring them into His presence. The invitation is for all, and we are the messengers. Fear will keep you from inviting others, but don’t let it stop you.

Prayer: Father, give me a sense of urgency as I extend Your invitation. Help me to reach those who need You and bring them into Your presence. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for a Sense of Urgency in Sharing the Gospel. Pray for a burden in your heart for the lost, recognizing that the time is short and the need is great.

  • Pray for Courage to Overcome Fear in Inviting Others.

  • Pray for Opportunities to Gather People into God’s Presence, whether in church, small groups, or personal relationships.

  • Pray for the Wisdom to Recognize Those Who Need God’s Invitation.

  • Pray for Compassion for the Lost. Pray that your love for others would drive you to go and gather.

  • Pray that refuge will Be Active in Gathering the Lost.

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to Empower Your Invitations, giving you the words to speak.

  • Pray for transformation for all that are invited to refuge.

  • Pray for the Kingdom of God to Expand and that the harvest is plentiful.

Worship: Below are some song suggestions to listen to during your time of worship!

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