Give What You Have

In Hebrews 13:16, it says to give what you have.

God has placed gifts and talents in each of us for the benefit of helping others. He will also use our struggles and trials to help get others through theirs. In these times, it's a good time to remind ourselves of who we are in Christ. We are not our imperfections. We are not that rejection. We are not our mistakes and failures. We are children of God, uniquely loved, we are strong and we have a purpose.

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I remember a time when I was facing a giant in my life. While I had the peace in knowing God was going to move on my behalf, my emotions, thoughts, and “what if's” were overwhelming at times. It was during this time that I wanted to pull back from mentoring and small group to lighten my responsibility (in a sense, giving more time to focus on the giant.. not a good idea!) It didn't take long for God to get the message across to me. He sent more women across my path seeking a mentor and encouragement, and I knew I was not to retreat.

I was to keep pouring into others. I was to stay focused on the things of God. Sometimes we are called to serve others in our darkness and tiredness. It's not us, but the God within us that equips us for the battles and that could come in the form of serving. When we do this, God will move! He will refresh us, heal us, make us strong, and meet and satisfy our needs.

God is looking for the broken and willing vessels to work in and through. He is more concerned about our availability, rather than about our capability. Ladies, we all have something to offer each other. Let's purpose to be intentional about spending time together. Invite a few ladies over for tea or coffee, kick back and enjoy, encourage and expect. Pouring into each other has eternal value!

Next Brunch is Saturday, October 5th at 10am! Be sure to invite some ladies and join us for an amazing time!

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Refuge Creative