What is Refuge Life?
Refuge Life is a way for you to learn more about the mission of our church in a comfortable, small group setting. If you would like to get more involved with us here at Refuge then this is your chance. Lunch and childcare will be provided.
When Is Refuge Life?
The next Refuge Life is Sunday, February 9, 2025
Immediately following our 10am service, head to the Green Room which is the room to the left of the Welcome Center in the lobby. One of our leaders will be there to meet you and will help you get started!
How to sign up?
Signing up is easy! If you're interested in going through Refuge Life, you can click below so we know to expect you.
We are so glad that you have shown interest in getting more involved at Refuge. We believe that the local church is the hope of the world. One face-to-face moment with God can change everything. That’s why serving and caring for people in our church and outside our walls is so important to us. Every small act of love changes lives and echoes in eternity!