Year End Review
2021 Year End Review & 2022 Goals
What makes you feel most alive?
What parts of your job do you appreciate? What frustrates you?
What do you want to learn more about this year?
What do you want to do more of and less of this year?
What can we intentionally put on the calendar? Trips? Date nights? Alone time?
Do you feel nearer or farther from God in comparison to last year? What do you believe attributed to that?
What has God revealed about himself to you this year?
What purposes for the kingdom make your heart beat faster?
What purposes of the kingdom do you have to “die to self” to complete?
What disciplines and practices do you want to do this year to grow closer to God and serve others better?
What did you learn about me this year?
In what ways can I make you feel loved?
In what ways can I improve in making you feel like a priority?
What everyday tasks make you feel appreciated?
What concerns do you have with each child?
What skills, fruits of the spirit do we want to cultivate in each child?
What do we want to pray for each child and our marriage?
Best moments?
Worst moments?
After reflecting on this year and approaching goals, what word do you think we should choose?