How to Thrive During COVID-19
Why Just Survive When We Can Thrive?
We’re all learning how to create a new life inside our homes. Anybody else feeling the temptation to fill your schedule even when you can’t leave your home? Our hope and prayer is that we can all learn to steward our days well. That we all press in to what God has for us in this season. Hopefully, this is a once in a lifetime thing for us. Here are some ways that our team is learning to thrive during this unique season that we’re living in.
1. Read Scripture
It seems like a given, but we just want to remind you. Scripture is the word of life. Start your day by getting in the word before you look at the news. As Christians, Scripture is one of our weapons, not only does it bring us life, it’s our protection. Often, Jesus would quote the word of God when he was being tested. We should follow his lead! Too tired to read in the mornings? Pour yourself a cup of coffee, then read. Still too tired? Check out The Bible Project, they have lots of incredible videos, podcasts and resources to teach the Word.
2. Create Rhythms
If we’re not paying attention, all of our days can blur together. In a world where things are so far from “normal.” Establish a normal for your life. Wake up and go to bed around the same time every day. Get dressed. Eat a real meal. Work. Worship. Pray. Make time in your day for what’s important to you or it’s all too easy to just “keep watching” on Netflix.
3. Learn Something
One of the best ways to fight boredom is to keep your brain active. Whether it’s reading a book, doing a puzzle, learning how to play a new game, or taking a class, find something to do right now that is pushing you forward. With all this time at home, we’re finding ways to do those things we’ve always wanted to do. Here is a great article with lots of online learning options from reading to cooking to painting and everything in between.
4. Eat Normal Meals
With all of the free delivery available and trying to avoid grocery stores, it’s tempting to get takeout more often than normal. Nothing is wrong with take out, but use some of that extra time you have and cook a meal. Even better, FaceTime with a friend, while you cook, or FaceTime and have your dinner “together”. Give your body the nutrition it’s craving right now! If you don’t know where to start, bon apetit has great recipes and an incredible YouTube channel to turn you into a home chef during this quarantine.
Get your body moving. Don’t have any workout equipment? No problem, there are plenty of at home workouts to do. Not really a workout person? Go for a walk, bike ride, get yourself outside and realize that the world is bigger than your home. Exercise is so important not just for your physical health, but your emotional health right now. There are tons of free workouts available, but here are a few places to start: Amazon and Nike
6. Limit Your Screen Time
In a time where all of our information is coming through our phones, computers, and TV, it’s hard to put them down. We need a break though. We need to engage with the people right in front of us (if you have roommates/spouse/family). Designate a time in your day, that you put your phone away. Put it somewhere in your house that you won’t grab it. Leave it there and walk away.
7. Laugh A LOT!
Find ways to start laughing. Whether it's playing a fun game (Head's Up) with your spouse or roommates or finding funny videos on YouTube. Get creative and try to make jokes about items in your house. Make a funny video with your roommates. Whatever it takes, just get one of those good belly laughs that are hard to recover from. The JOY of the Lord is your strength!
You got this! We got this! God is with us and we will get through this together. We’re praying for you, check us out on Instagram to see how we’re praying each day.