Day 9 | January 14

Day 9 | January 14, 2025 | The Invitation to Pray

Scriptures: Matthew 9:35-38 – “…pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 – “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.”

Reflection: When Jesus saw the crowds, He had compassion and told His disciples that the harvest was great, but the laborers were few. He invited His disciples to pray to the Lord of the harvest for laborer’s to be sent. Growth produces a harvest; one may plant and water, it is God who causes the growth. Trust Him with the results, knowing that He is working through every invitation. The harvest requires those who plant and those who water, but it is God who causes the growth. Every invitation is part of God’s larger plan.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for sending us with Your invitation to the world. Let me be one of your laborers sent out into Your harvest. Help me to boldly go where You lead, sharing Your love with those around me. Lord, I trust You with the growth of every invitation I extend. May I be faithful in planting seeds, and trust that You will bring the increase. amen.

Prayer Points:

  • Ask God to raise up more laborers who WILL go into the fields and share the gospel.

  • Pray for boldness in extending invitations.

  • Pray for the hearts of those who hear the Gospel, that God would soften their hearts and prepare them to respond to His invitation.

  • Ask God to help you remain faithful in planting and watering the seeds of the gospel. Pray for a heart that rejoices in faithfulness, knowing God will bring the increase.

  • Pray for unity in the body of refuge as we work together to share the gospel and make disciples.

  • Pray for God's Timing in the Harvest. Ask for patience and wisdom in discerning when and how to share His invitation.

  • Pray for humility as you share the gospel with others. Pray for a humble heart that seeks to serve and honor God in all that you do.

  • Ask God to renew and ignite a passion for evangelism and reaching the lost.

  • Pray for the global harvest, specifically Good News Africa - that there would be revival and that people would come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Worship: Below are some song suggestions to listen to during your time of worship!

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