Peace With God

“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1 ESV

Peace is something everyone needs and longs for in life and there are multiple ways people attempt to attain it. To live in peace is a desire that most people share in common, however to be at peace with God should be your first priority. Have you made your peace with God? Peace with God becomes a reality whenever someone is justified by faith through the Lord Jesus Christ. Peace is received whenever someone surrenders their life to Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and savior.   

Peace is a quality and a characteristic of the divine nature and has two major aspects; peace with God and the peace of God. Peace with God is to be in right relationship with Him and the peace of God is the fruit of the Holy Spirit which builds godly character. The peace of God governs our life. Peace is something that God desires us to have in its fullest measure and has made it accessible to every human being through a personal relationship with Him. Tomorrow we will talk more about the peace of God.


Thank you Heavenly Father that we have peace with you because of Jesus. Thank you for helping us understand what it means to make our peace with you. Use us to help others make their peace with you.    

God Bless,

Pastor Matt

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