
“For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods.” Psalms 135:5 ESV 

The Psalmist statement declaring ‘that the Lord is great’ is not only factual and true but his own personal revelation. Not only does this revelation come from correct instruction and teaching of the Word but an actual experience of knowing Him in a personal way. Knowing that God is great and above all God’s is something believed and experienced. To actually know He is great is a result of a personal relationship because He is a personal God.

Greatness is defined as remarkable in magnitude, degree, and effectiveness, to be superior in character and quality. Greatness speaks of nobility. We are to know His greatness; that He is supreme and above all gods as a personal conviction. Nothing or no one comes even comes close. We discover His greatness as we study His Word, observe His acts and grow in our personal walk with Him.

One attribute of His greatness is His steadfast love that endures forever. “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” Psalms 136:1 ESV “His steadfast love endures forever,” is stated 23 times in Psalms 136 giving us 23 reasons why.


Heavenly Father, we pray for a greater revelation of your greatness in our lives as we grow in our personal walk with you. Let the testimony of your greatness be on our lips as a witness to others, in Jesus Name. 

God bless,

Pastor Matt

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