False Accusation - Part 2

“Then these men said, “We shall not find any ground for complaint against this Daniel unless we find it in connection with the law of his God.” Daniel 6:5 ESV 

The story of Daniel in the lion’s den is one of the most favorite of Bible stories. However, it’s more than just a story, it is truth that inspires us today to serve our God and remain true to Him even when it’s not popular. A lion’s den is not where we belong unless God is with us. Daniel’s only crime was that he prayed to the Lord. 

Have you ever felt that somebody had it out for you just for wanting to serve God and obey Him, and it was their mission in life to make your life miserable? You ask, “Why are they treating me like this, I don’t deserve this persecution.” Maybe it’s something you did to offend them and you’re not aware of it, or maybe you’re aware of it and they are seeking revenge or to get even. People will be offended with us not just for doing something wrong, they may be offended with us for doing something right. 

A false accusation is an allegation that describes events that did occur, but are enacted by an individual who is not accused, in which the accused person is innocent. In Daniel’s case it was an accusation of disloyalty to the king. False accusation is often used to divert attention from one's own guilt. False accusation may come because one may appear guilty when in fact they are innocent. Just because someone is suspected of wrongdoing does not mean they’ve done wrong; so don’t be too quick to accuse. To falsely accuse is to deflect attention away from oneself to another to frame them. Daniel's accusers attempted to hide their own disloyalty to the king by accusing him of disobeying the king's edict when he prayed to the Lord in the privacy of his own home. 


Lord, help us to remain faithful and committed to doing what’s right when we are falsely accused of doing something wrong. 

God Bless, 

Pastor Matt

Refuge Creative