Hungry For More Of God

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.” Psalms 81:10 ESV 

Open your mouth wide and God will fill it. "Open wide," is a parent’s instruction to their young child at feeding time. This verse paints an interesting metaphor of baby birds in their nest waiting with expectation to receive food from their mother. Their mouths are open wide anticipating being filled. They are completely dependent upon their mother for their existence and fully trust whatever she brings to them. They are confident it will be good for their well-being and growth. In the same sense God wants to fill us. 

An open mouth represents hunger and a desire to be filled and nourished with whatever God has for us. It is obvious that God desires that we open our heart and life to Him because He longs to fill us. A closed mouth represents stubbornness and an unwillingness to receive what God has for us.

Also in the context of this verse is a statement of the Lord’s deliverance from Egypt. Egypt was a place of bondage and slavery for God’s people as well as a type of the world. In the wilderness they could no longer default to how they previously lived life in Egypt. The wilderness forced them to look to God for everything. This verse also implies that God will give us what we need to say when we are at a loss for words. Filling our mouth not only implies feeding us but also anointing us to speak His truth. 


Heavenly Father, we open our mouth wide so you can fill itWe are confident that you will satisfy the longing of our heart and meet our every need just as baby birds in their mother’s nest. Thank you for filling our mouth not only to feed us but filling our mouth so we can speak your truth.  

 God bless,

Pastor Matt

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