Revive Us Again

“Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?” Psalm 85:6 ESV

Revival is God moving to impact the culture with a fresh outpouring of His Spirit by awakening the sleeping church with His presence and power. Although revival has occurred throughout history impacting generations, we are in desperate need of one today. Revival may look different in every generation, yet it brings the same results. Hearts and lives are transformed by the power of God. Sins bondage is broken and captives are set free.

Psalm 85 is the psalmist’s heart cry and prayer for revival. His prayer was a confession of need. It’s usually when people recognize need that they pray. If you feel the need for revival then you should pray for revival. It’s unlikely we will experience revival until we are willing to admit our desperate need for it.

We need revival in our personal lives. A good indication we are in need of personal revival is if we powerless against temptation, full of compromise and complacent in our walk with God. Is our testimony ineffective, is our prayer life weak? Revival is what we personally need. We also need revival in the Church. Churches aren’t what they could be and what they should be. Many churches are worldly, formal and lacking in spiritual power and vitality. Only revival can change this condition.

We need revival in the world. Multitudes are without God and have no hope in the world. “We were all at one time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.” Ephesians 2:12 ESV. The fact is when the church is revived the world will be reached.


Lord, help us to recognize the need for revival as we begin to earnestly seek you for a fresh move of your Spirit in our lives. 

God Bless,

Pastor Matt

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