The Giver Of Good

“Yes, the Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its increase.” Psalms 85:12 ESV 

The psalmist affirms with a confirming “yes” that the Lord will give what is good. The context of this psalm is prayer for revival which includes forgiveness and restoration with a sustaining generational impact. God’s intent is to not only forgive but to restore His people to a place of spiritual health affecting future generations.

It is God’s heart intent to bless us yet how often do we struggle to grasp this truth seen in His Word. God delights to give what is good which results in the land yielding its increase. This is one of the outcomes of returning to God. The Bible speaks often of giving and increase referring to God’s provision in our lives. Although we may face lack we must see it as a temporary condition, it is only momentary. By applying Biblical principles of stewardship in the handling of our finances we dismantle and break poverty and lacks control over us. The promise in Psalms 85:12 is confirmed in light of Philippians 4:19 “And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” ESV.


Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that you give what is good and that our land will yield its increase. We choose to fully surrender to you; help us to receive the increase you promised so that we may serve your purpose for our lives as good stewards of your provision. 

God bless,

Pastor Matt

Refuge Creative