Get Up!

“For the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity.” Proverbs 24:16 ESV 

There is an interesting contrast between the righteous and wicked; for those who are living for God and those who are not. Being righteous is not based on our own effort, good works or performance but in our faith in Jesus Christ and what He accomplished for us. The Word does not say that the righteous never falls, it simply says they will rise up again when they do. The righteous are determined and passionate in their commitment to get back up when they fall.  

When learning how to ride a bicycle as a child I lost count of how many times I fell on our gravel driveway in an attempt to master the skill of balancing on two wheels. Even though I was embarrassed and bruised and scraped up it didn’t matter because I was determined to learn to ride. In this life it does not matter how many times we fall necessarily, what matters is that we get back up again.

When making attempts to master an area of struggle in life we need to know that just because we fail does not mean we are a failure. Failure is a state of inability to perform a normal function. The ultimate failure is to give up or to simply quit or to throw in the towel. For Thomas Edison failure was a teacher in his invention of the light bulb. He stated, “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” Thomas A. Edison


Lord, help us to realize that failure is not the end, but an opportunity to put our trust in you to raise us up for something better. Thank you for giving us a greater determination to get back up when we fall.

God bless,

Pastor Matt

Refuge Creative