Hope Beyond The Grave

“O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” 1 Corinthians 15:55 ESV

Where do we go after we die, what happens to us? What lies beyond the grave, what about the afterlife? Is this life all there is or is there more? Today as we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ we can be certain there is life and hope beyond the grave for those who put their faith and trust in Him. Death has lost its victory because Jesus defeated it Himself for us.

Death is certain but there is uncertainty for many of what will happen after they die. There is the reality of what can and will happen. There is life beyond the grave when we surrender our heart and life to Jesus Christ. The psalmist declares… “But God will free my soul from the power of the grave. For He will take me to Himself.” Psalm 49:15 NLV. There is new life in Christ, however your new life will cost you your old one.

Despairing, despondent and desperate are words that describe the state of hopelessness. However there is incredible hope that is to be discovered in what Jesus did for us through His life, death and resurrection. This hope will benefit us not only in this life but also in the life to come. Because of Jesus Resurrection we now have hope beyond the grave. “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.” 1 Corinthians 15:19 ESV. Jesus was victorious over death and the grave and trough faith in Him we too share that victory in this life and the life to come.


Thank you Lord for giving us an undeniable hope that sustains us in this present life. Thank you for the assurance of hope beyond the grave which is eternal life with you.

God bless,

Pastor Matt

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