When Pride Comes

 “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom. 3 The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them.” Proverbs 11:2-3 ESV 

We see a contrast in this passage between pride and humility followed by integrity and crookedness. The humble possess wisdom and walk with integrity and the proud are given to corruption and crookedness. When pride comes, arrogance and deceit show up as well. An arrogant man’s honesty will destroy a relationship. A humble man’s honesty strengthens relationships and opens the door for ongoing communication.

God desires to bless and promote people; however when blessing and promotion come pride is likely to follow bringing disgrace. We must choose to remain humble and guard our heart against a spirit of pride. How, by humbling ourselves and giving honor to God and exalting Him rather than self. “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time” I Peter 5:6 ESV. God fully intends to exalt us but it’s often our pride that stands in the way. Humility is the only weapon that will effectively defeat pride in our life. Prides cure is to humble ourselves daily, because every day we fail to humble ourselves is a day pride comes. To keep a right heart we must maintain a heart of humility.


Thank you Lord for guarding our heart from pride and arrogance. We choose to humble ourselves as an act of our will, submitting completely to your will in Jesus Name.   

God bless,

Pastor Matt

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